Special Services

WMPCS provides a continuum of special education and related services to meet the individual needs of students. Services include educational, physical, speech, occupational and life skills development and education.

WMPCS provides a continuum of special education and related services to meet the individual needs of students.

In Public Schools of North Carolina, the Exceptional Children's (EC) Division provides local units with detailed procedures for the delivery of special education services. These rules and regulations are detailed and found on the NC Department of Public Instruction website for its Exceptional Children's Division. Children who meet all of the specified criteria outlined in the Policies may be entitled to special education services.

If you are new to WMPCS or have a child who has been receiving special education services at another school, contact Amanda Holton, the school's EC Coordinator.

Child Find

The Exceptional Children's Department of WMPCS, in compliance with Project Child Find, conducts evaluations or referrals, if warranted, for those children and/or adult students who may have learning problems in the areas of cognition, communication, social and emotional and motor functioning. Evaluations are available to preschool children aged 3-5, through the Beaufort County School System.

Children or adult students who are found eligible for special education and related services are entitled to a free and appropriate special education program.

For more information on Project Child Find, contact the Exceptional Children's Coordinator, Amanda Holton, at 252-946-1977.

Additional resources can be found at: https://www.dpi.nc.gov/districts-schools/classroom-resources/exceptional-children/federal-regulations-state-policies

Multi-Tiered System of Support

A multi-tiered system of support is a framework which promotes school improvement through engaging, evidence-based academic and behavioral practices.

Additional Resources:

Parents' Rights and Responsibilities in Special Education (English)

Parents' Rights and Responsibilities in Special Education (Spanish)

NC Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities

NC Department of Public Instruction Parent Resources

Exceptional Children's Parent Assistance Center