
Music Class


Music enhances our students' education.  At the foundation stage of our music curriculum we are developing fundamental concepts of music through composition, such as sound and silence, beat, dynamics and pitch. The connect listening portion of our lessons is to not only provide a listening experience for our students, but really to help them understand and connect with music and its purpose.

Physical Education

Physical education takes form many ways at WMPCS. During the PE Encore, the children play sports, learn sportsmanship and participate in physical activities.




Art is currently offered in the classrooms where children use different mediums (painting, sculpture, drawing) to supplement the projects they are learning in their lessons.

Junior High students are offered art as a separate class.



Social Skills

Junior High students are offered a Social Skills class, which  is an opportunity to expose students to a variety of social themes and social skills that can be utilized to navigate a variety of social situations.  Students are introduced to and learn how to identify and regulate their own emotions, as well as identify emotions in others.  Students learn a variety of skills to set personal goals, manage time successfully and overcome difficult social situations.


"A child's character develops in accordance with the obstacles he has encountered… or the freedom favoring his development that he has enjoyed."

- Maria Montessori